Welcome to PureLinks

This is where you can learn "about" the app.


Q:  What are Links and how do they work?

A:  Links are the backbone of PureLinks. They are the URLs that you share with the world.  When you create a link, you can choose to protect it with a lock code. You can also set it to be viewable by subscribers only.

Q:  Are Locked Links encrypted?

A:  Unfortunately not. Locked links are not encrypted. They are simply protected by a lock code that you set when you create the link.  Think of it more like a short password that you share with others to access the link.

Q:  What does it mean when I "notify subscribers?"

A:  When you notify subscribers, you are sending a notification to all of your subscribers that you have shared a new link.  Each notification is an email that contains the title and description of the link you shared.

Q:  How do I set my profile picture?

A:  Navigate to your Settings page and click on the choose file button.  Select the image you want to use as your profile picture and click the Update button.

Q:  Are the total number of Links I can create limited?

A:  Yes


Q:  How can I add questions to my questionnaires?

A:  After creating a questionnaire, you can add questions to it by clicking the Edit link.  From there, you can find the New Question dropdown menu where you can select the type of question you want to add.

Q:  What is the difference between Published and Hidden questionnaires?

A:  A Published questionnaire is visible to the public and can be shared with anyone using the link.  A Hidden questionnaire is not visible to the public and can only be shared with specific people using the link.

Q:  How can I change the order of the questions in my questionnaire?

A:  A questionnaire must be in draft mode to change the order of questions.  To change the order of questions in your questionnaire, click the Edit link on the questionnaire page.  From there, you can drag and drop the questions into the order you want them to appear.

Q:  Do I need an account to answer a questionnaire?

A:  No, you do not need an account to answer a questionnaire.  If the questionnaire allows guest submissions, you can answer the questionnaire without an account.

Q:  Are the total number of Questionnaires I can create limited?

A:  Yes, but... you can archive questionnaires to free up space for new ones.

Q:  What are archived questionnaires?

A:  Archived questionnaires are questionnaires that you have completed and no longer need to access frequently.  You can clone archived questionnaires in order to reuse the questions in a new questionnaire.